Cuidados y tratamientos para el cabello rizado

Care and treatments for curly hair

If you want to keep your curly hair healthy and beautiful, it is important that you take into account certain specific care and treatments. Below are some recommendations to incorporate into your daily care routine.

Curly hair

Daily care routines:

  1. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo , preferably sulfate-free, to avoid drying and damaging it.
  2. Use conditioners that provide deep hydration and help define your curls.
  3. Do not rub your hair with a towel to dry it, as this can cause frizz. Instead, gently dry it with a cotton T-shirt or microfiber towel.
  4. Use a styling product that helps define your curls and keep them in place. Gels or creams are excellent options.
  5. Avoid styling your hair dry, as this can cause frizz. Instead, do it in the shower with wet hair and a styling product.

Treatments for curly hair

Treatments for curly hair:

  1. Perform deep hydration treatments once a week to nourish your hair and keep it healthy.
  2. Get a haircut regularly to keep the ends healthy and avoid split ends.
  3. Use natural hair oils, like coconut oil or argan oil , to nourish your curls and keep them soft and shiny.

Recommended products for curly hair:

If you are looking for high-quality products to care for your curly hair, we recommend the Devacurl line of products, available in our online store . This line includes sulfate-free shampoo, hydrating conditioners, styling creams and gels, and deep hydration treatments to keep your curls healthy and defined.

Styling tips for curly hair

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Estoy comenzando a dejar mi pelo con rizos después de toda una vida con laciados permanentes, keratinas, tengo mucho friss, mi pelo se ve fatal, ya me corte un montón y falta cortar mucho más, lo tenia por los glúteos, que me recomienda?

Socorro Malave

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